
Wedding, Event, Party Bands and DJ in New Jersey and New York

People were dancing who rarely get on the dance floor!

We  want to thank you and all the band members one more time for the excellent music at my daughter’s wedding at Greenwich Country Club. People were dancing who rarely get on the dance floor! All 230 guests had a wonderful time and we have received many compliments on behalf of your band.

My daughter and her fiancé picked your group after having attended a wedding in New Jersey at which you played. Their decision was a very good one! The parents who put on that wedding called you “their band.” And now we will do the same.

We are happy to recommend your group to all our Greenwich friends and neighbors.

Best regards,

David Renton

Greenwich Country Club

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Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased to twinkle.