
Wedding, Event, Party Bands and DJ in New Jersey and New York

Ardmore’s First Spring Fest Was An Undeniable Success

the Atomic Rock Band gathered onstage and began to play. Like the previous band, they performed covers of various songs; however, their setlist covered a larger span of time as it incorporated contemporary hits. Not being familiar with the band and assuming they only played rock music, I was surprised when, seemingly out of nowhere, they played a medley of Taylor Swift songs in the style of rock n’ roll. Needless to say, seeing a group of grown men confidently belting out lyrics to songs typically associated with a female audience was great; the juxtaposition of it all stood out and presented the music in a slightly different way (which was a welcome change for those who weren’t Swifties).

Besides demonstrating their musical prowess, the members of Atomic Rock Band also showed their ability to play up to the camera and the crowd. I undoubtedly witnessed this firsthand as there were multiple instances when I, upon being spotted by one or more of the band members, was presented with dynamic poses or funny facial expressions (e.g.- tongue sticking out). Their relationship with the cameras went further than this, though, since one of the members intermittently used the tablet embedded in his instrument to record the crowd. When he wasn’t recording the audience, he would switch the images displayed on his tablet, so pictures of MegaMan, zombies, etc. were all fair game. Unfortunately, a technical issue ended the Atomic Rock Band’s set earlier than expected; the band explained this to the crowd and, after thanking everyone for coming, broke down their equipment and stuck around to interact and take photos with fans.

After attendees left, vendors, artists, organizers, and staff stayed to clean up the lot and, even though the festival had come to an end, continued to exhibit that sense of togetherness that permeated the day. From chatting and telling lighthearted jokes to helping one another move things, everyone connected in some way, and, by the end of the day, two things were irrefutably clear: Brian Cronin, the man behind the festival and Mirror Image Media, was more than capable of organizing a successful event, and Ardmore Spring Fest, despite being in its infancy, was on its way to becoming an invaluable asset to the surrounding community.

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Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased to twinkle.